splenic diseases in Chinese
- 《英汉医学词典》Splenic Diseases
- 脾疾病
- "splenic" in Chinese : adj. 脾脏的。
- "diseases" in Chinese : 疾病种类
- "splenic branches of splenic artery" in Chinese : 脾动脉脾支
- "splenic abscess" in Chinese : 脾脓肿; 脾痈
- "splenic anaemia" in Chinese : 脾性贫血,斑替病
- "splenic anemia" in Chinese : 脾性贫血
- "splenic arteriography" in Chinese : 脾动脉造影术
- "splenic arterioles" in Chinese : 脾小动脉; 脾携脉
- "splenic artery" in Chinese : 脾动脉; 睥动脉
- "splenic branches" in Chinese : 脾支
- "splenic capsule" in Chinese : 脾被膜
- "splenic cell" in Chinese : 脾细胞
- "splenic cord" in Chinese : 脾索
- "splenic cords" in Chinese : 脾索, 红髓索
- "splenic corpuscle" in Chinese : 脾小结; 脾小体; 脾楔结)体
- Laparoscopic surgery for hepatobiliary-pancreatic and splenic disease a report of 40 cases
What is the meaning of splenic diseases in Chinese and how to say splenic diseases in Chinese? splenic diseases Chinese meaning, splenic diseases的中文,splenic diseases的中文,splenic diseases的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.